
Title IX Coordinator
Jordan Hall, Room 072

The needs of those who have experienced sexual misconduct vary from person to person and evolve over time. The University, greater Indianapolis community, and national organizations offer services and resources to support those impacted by sexual misconduct.

Both on- and off-campus resources are available to people who have experienced sexual misconduct, regardless of whether the misconduct falls under University jurisdiction or whether the person chooses to pursue a University and/or criminal process.

On campus, there are several confidential resources available, outlined below. Employees who serve as confidential resources are not expected to report to the University when they are made aware of a report of sexual misconduct. All other employees are expected to report when made aware of sexual misconduct. For more information on University employee reporting expectations, view Information for Employees.

Off campus, there are many organizations who provide medical assistance, legal guidance, advocacy services, trauma counseling, and more. A list of off-campus resources can be found below.

This Rights, Options, and Resources document summarizes on- and off-campus resources, reporting options, and available supportive measures.