MLK Oratorical Contest

In collaboration with Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS), the Hub organizes an annual oratorical contest for IPS students in grades 9-12. This program aims to enhance literacy among IPS students while highlighting mutual values of racial equity and educational access. The contest involves school-based oratory competitions centered around a MLK Jr. legacy-related theme. Butler students, faculty, and staff assist IPS students in speech preparation for the school-level contest, and the finals, mirroring the Oakland MLK Oratorical Fest, are held on Butler’s campus. This initiative fosters a meaningful connection between IPS students and Butler, inspiring them to consider Butler for their collegiate experience.

For more information about the contest, please email

Previous Years

In 2023, the inaugural program was centered around the theme “I Am A Revolutionary”,  and IPS high school students created original oratory performances to compete in school-based oratory contests. Thanks to the generous support of the Butler Giving Circle, participants were provided with copies of The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History by David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson and other supporting materials as background information on the contest theme, which helped to inspire and inform the students’ speeches. 

View the 2023 MLK Oratorical Contest Recap: