Black Intellectual Series

The purpose of the Black Intellectual Series is to showcase various and complex representations of Black people with remarkable stories, talents and knowledge. These individuals have transcended oppressive institutions and systems that thrive on racist values at their core: systems where greatness and leadership are often only recognized through positions of white privilege and maintenance of structures that only benefit the few rather than the many.

Consistent with Black/African and African-diasporic traditions, the Hub recognizes that intellectuals are found in a wide range of social locations and that they spread knowledge/insight in community centers, churches and mosques, hair salons and barbershops, and jails and prisons as well as in colleges and universities.

The Visiting Black Intellectual Series is a way to celebrate our survival in an accessible and thoughtful manner that includes a public lecture/performance, various interactions with Butler faculty, staff and students, and facilitation of our deeper commitment and engagement with the Indianapolis community.