Payment Information

Paper checks

Paper checks, including 529 plan payments, are accepted. Please include student’s BU ID on the face of the check and mail to:

Office of Student Accounts
4600 Sunset Ave.
Indianapolis, IN  46208

Electronic Payments

Electronic payments can be submitted via E-Pay.

  • Electronic payments from checking and savings accounts can be submitted with NO fee.  View the instructions to make a payment via E-Pay.
  • 529 plan payments, from a list of supported plans.  The primary advantage of processing 529 payments electronically is the convenience.  Beneficiaries or account owners can make immediate payments via E-Pay.  To pay for payment processing services, a flat fee of $10 applies.
  • Credit card payments must be made via E-Pay. Credit card payments via mail, phone or in person cannot be processed.
    • Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted online.
    • Note:  The minimum non-refundable fee of $3.00 applies to payments over $20.00 and less than $106.00.
    • A 2.95%  non-refundable service fee applies to domestic credit card payments and a 4.25% non-refundable fee applies to international credit card payments.  

Fall and Spring Semesters

Students who enroll through the early registration process for the fall semester receive an E-Bill (electronic billing statement) mid-July for tuition & fees. Room and board charges will be included for those who have submitted housing contracts to Residence Life prior to the July E-Bill. Payment for the July E-Bill is due in full by the 1st of August unless the student is enrolled in the Monthly Payment Plan. For the spring semester, early enrolled students receive an E-Bill mid-December which is due in full by the 2nd of January unless the student is enrolled in the spring semester Monthly Payment Plan. Failure to pay the student account balance in full by the due date may result in the cancellation of classes.

Students who enroll during regular and/or late registration will be required to pay all charges in full by the due date indicated on their E-Bill. Students who are not enrolled in the Monthly Payment Plan and have not paid the account balance due in full by the first day of each semester will be assessed a monthly finance charge of 1.5% (18% APR).

The University offers a Monthly Payment Plan for eligible students. To participate in the plan, students are required to enroll in the plan by logging on to their account during designated enrollment dates only.  (Information regarding specific dates for enrollment are made available in the Monthly Payment Plan section.) The Monthly Payment Plan allows students to divide semester tuition, fees, room and board, and miscellaneous charges into manageable monthly payments. The Monthly Payment Plan fee is $25.00 per semester for the 4-month plan.  Please keep in mind that scheduled payment plan payments must be received in full by the due date indicated on the E-Bill to avoid late payment penalties and to maintain eligibility to participate in the plan.

Financial aid funds (e.g., outside scholarships, loans, etc.) are NOT considered payment plan payments.  Any “pending funds” (e.g. outside scholarships) that have NOT been received and processed by the Office of Financial Aid are not included in the payment plan calculation and are NOT considered a payment.   Pre-payments and financial aid funds are deducted from the total balance due when received and posted to the student account, reducing future payment plan amounts.   

Students with past due balances and/or poor payment histories with the University may have classes cancelled and will be denied participation in the Monthly Payment Plan.  All past due balances must be paid before a student will be permitted to enroll in a new semester.

Summer Term

Electronic billing statements (E-Bills) are published the second Wednesday of every month. The balance is  due in full within the first five days of the month following the date the bill was published.  Due dates are indicated on the E-Bills.

The first E-Bill for the summer term is published the second Wednesday in May and due in full within the first 5 days of June. (The due date is indicated on the May E-Bill.)

There is not a payment plan available for charges incurred during the summer term.

Refund of Tuition Charge

For information regarding tuition refunds for the fall & spring terms, please review the  Institutional Tuition Refund Schedule .

For questions regarding the summer Institutional Refund Policy, please contact the Office of Student Accounts directly at

NOTE:  Students who fail to attend class and/or pay their tuition, are not considered withdrawn from the course(s). Withdrawals must be made through the academic adviser or dean of the college in which the student is enrolled.

Prepaid Tuition Plan

The University provides a tuition prepayment plan which guarantees a fixed tuition rate for all prepaid semesters. The prepaid tuition rates are based on the first term in which the student participates in the prepaid program. This program applies only to students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree or pharmacy program. The prepayment plan does not apply to graduate programs. The Prepaid Tuition Summary provides general information. For additional information, please email

Unpaid Items

A student who is past due in any debt to the University will have a financial hold placed on his/her student account. The student is not permitted to register in any school or college of the University and is not entitled to an official or unofficial transcript or grade report from the Office of Registration and Records and will not receive a diploma or be permitted to apply for readmission to Butler University until the indebtedness has been paid in full.

Any check (electronic or paper) presented to the University that fails to clear the bank is subject to a non-refundable $25 returned check fee. The fee and the returned check amount will be posted to the student’s account.  If the check is for payment of a debt, it will also be considered as nonpayment. A “Returned Check” indicator will be added to the account which prevents enrollment changes, release of transcripts, grades, diplomas and check cashing.  The indicator will be removed when the insufficiency has been satisfied. Students may also be held responsible for reasonable collections fees, attorney fees and court costs without relief of evaluation and appraisement law to collect outstanding balances.

When a student is in possession of university property or owes a particular department for charges not applied to the student account, the department may request a hold to be placed on a student’s account. The Department Requested Hold prevents the release of university transcripts, grades, diploma, student refund checks and enrollment changes.  The hold is removed when the requesting department confirms receipt of the University property with the Office of Student Accounts.

Credit Balance Accounts

The Office of Student Accounts requires students to complete a Refund Request to receive a refund check. However, if the credit on the account is due to a Federal Direct Loan or other Federal Title IV financial aid, the Office of Student Accounts will issue a check to the student without the written request. If the credit balance on the account is due to a Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), the refund check will be issued to the parent borrower and mailed to the home address on file for the PLUS borrower. Students, with credit balances due to federal funds, who do not want refunds issued without written request, can provide written documentation to the Office of Student Accounts.

If the student is anticipating a credit balance, it is recommended that a refund request form be completed regardless of funding sources. Refund checks are available after the 100% Institutional Tuition Refund Schedule for each term and processed weekly while classes are in session. Forms must be submitted by end of day on Tuesday to receive a check on Friday.

With the exception of PLUS refunds, checks are issued to students only.

Refund checks are not issued when school is not in session.

Outside Billing

The University will bill a third party for tuition, room and board, and miscellaneous fees provided:

  1. A voucher and/or written authorization is received by the Office of Student Accounts office prior to the beginning of each semester.
  2. Payment will be made on or before the first day of the semester.

The University will not bill any employer or third party who pays upon completion of the course(s). Any balance remaining unpaid on the first day of the semester, will be assessed a monthly finance charge of 1.5% (18% APR). If the third party will not pay the finance charge, the student will be responsible for payment.  Students will continue to receive a billing statement directly from Butler University until the account balance is paid in full. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the third-party payer to determine why a delay in payment has occurred.