亚博体育 University Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

亚博体育 University (the University) is committed to safeguarding the privacy of personal data. This Privacy Notice outlines the collection, 使用, 信息披露, and destruction (GDPR) of personal information provided to the University by students, applicants for faculty positions, and research subjects. When information is submitted to the University, or you 使用 the University’s websites and other 服务, you consent to the collection, 使用, 信息披露, and destruction (GDPR)  of that information as described in this Privacy Notice.

University Use of Information

大学仅在行使大学合法利益的必要情况下,收集和处理学生个人的个人信息和敏感个人信息, functions and responsibilities as a private higher education institution. 大学亦会收集及处理个人资料及敏感个人资料,这些资料来自于从事科学研究的个人, historical research, or statistical purposes. 另外, 大学收集和处理申请教职员工职位的个人的个人信息,以便与大学签订或管理雇佣合同. 收集学生的个人信息,并与内部和外部各方共享,以注册或注册大学的人员, provide and administer housing to students, manage a student account, provide academic advising, develop and deliver education programs, track academic progress, analyze and improve education programs, 招聘, regulatory reporting, 审计, maintenance of accreditation, and other related University processes and functions.  大学还使用个人信息和敏感个人信息进行一般人口统计和统计研究,以改进大学课程. Sensitive Personal Information is collected, processed and shared internally and externally, 必要时, applicable and appropriate, to identify appropriate support 服务 or activities, provide reasonable accommodations, enforce University policies or comply with applicable laws. 最后, 大学可能会与与大学签订合同以代表大学履行职能的第三方共享个人信息和敏感个人信息, subject to the obligation of confidentiality and safeguarding from unauthorized 信息披露.

For purposes of this Privacy Notice, Sensitive Personal Information is defined as race, ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, 健康数据, sexual orientation, and criminal convictions.

For purposes of this Privacy Notice, 个人信息是指由学校创建或提供给学校或与学生有关的任何其他关于自然人的信息, applicants for faculty employment and research subjects.

Third Party Use of Sensitive Information

We may disclose your Sensitive Personal Information and other Personal Information as follows:

  • 同意: 如果亚博体育得到您的同意,亚博体育可能会披露敏感个人信息和其他个人信息.
  • Emergency Circumstances: We may share your Personal Information, 和敏感的个人信息,当必要时,以保护您的利益和您的身体或法律上不能提供同意.
  • Employment Necessity: 亚博体育可能会根据适用法律或任何适用的集体谈判协议,在管理就业或社会保障福利的必要情况下分享您的敏感个人信息, subject to the imposition of appropriate safeguards to prevent further unauthorized 信息披露.
  • Charitable Organizations: 亚博体育可能会与亚洲亚博体育基金会和其他与慈善捐赠有关的非营利组织分享您的个人信息,但须采取适当的保障措施,以防止进一步未经授权的披露.
  • Public Information: 如果您已明确公开,亚博体育可能会共享您的个人信息和敏感个人信息.
  • 存档: 亚博体育可能会出于公共利益的目的共享您的个人信息和敏感个人信息, and for historical research, and statistical purposes.
  • Performance of a Contract: 亚博体育可能会在必要时分享您的个人信息,以管理您与大学签订的合同.
  • 法律 Obligation: We may share your Personal Information when the 信息披露 is required or permitted by international, 联邦, and state laws and regulations.
  • Service Providers: 亚博体育使用与大学签订合同的第三方来支持大学运作和政策的管理. In such cases, 亚博体育与第三方共享您的个人信息,但须采取适当的保护措施,以防止进一步未经授权的披露.
  • University Affiliated Programs: 亚博体育可能会与大学附属机构分享您的个人信息,以便就商品事宜与您联系, 服务, charitable giving, or experiences that may be of interest to you.
  • De-Identified and Aggregate Information: We may 使用 and disclose Personal Information in de-identified or aggregate form without limitation.



Retention and Destruction of Your Information

根据适用的州和联邦法律,学校将保留您的信息. 根据您的要求,您的信息将被销毁,除非适用的法律要求在适用的保留期限届满后销毁. 鉴于敏感程度,销毁方式应适合于保存和确保您信息的机密性, 价值, and criticality to the University.


You have the right to request access to, 的副本, rectification, restriction in the 使用 of, or erasure of your information in accordance with all applicable laws. 您的信息的删除应受保留期限的约束,并符合适用的州和联邦法律. If you have provided consent to the 使用 of your information, 在收到你的申请前,你有权在不影响大学使用资料的合法性的情况下撤回同意.

学生可以使用他们的登录凭据访问由大学信息技术系统维护的学生帐户来行使这些权利, or by contacting the University’s Registrar at registrar@driouch24.com. 申请教师职位的申请人可以通过访问在大学信息技术系统中创建的帐户来行使这些权利, or by contacting the Office of the Provost at facultyaffairs@driouch24.com. 应聘工作人员的申请人可以通过访问在大学信息技术系统中创建的帐户或通过与亚洲亚博体育人力资源办公室联系(地址 askhr@driouch24.com.

在欧洲联盟创建的信息将从欧洲联盟转移到大学. If you feel the University has not complied with applicable foreign laws regulating such information, 您有权向欧盟适当的监管机构提出投诉.

入学 Privacy Policy

亚博体育 University Office of 入学’s privacy policy is available 在这里.

Updates to This Policy

We may update or change this policy at any time. 在任何此类更改后,您继续使用大学网站和第三方应用程序表示您接受这些更改.

Last updated 5/15/2018